(641) 357-5247

Connection Sunday

On 9/15, CLUMC presented Back to Church Sunday. This event was well received by our members and guests.  Next Sunday, October 27, will be our first follow-up event called: “CONNECTION SUNDAY”. Please invite inactive members, family and friends to our 9:30...


We need your help to “Fill the Buckets”!    Your Ad Council approved working in partnership with Midwest Missions in collecting disaster relief supplies.  With a number of Tornados in late May and the flooding recently in Spencer, their supply is...


Clear Lake United Methodist Church I’d like to invite all interested Men to attend an organizational meeting for a Church Men’s Group.  This group would be similar to the United Methodist Men’s Group of the past, but different.  This is not replacing any...


Thank you again to everyone who has signed up to participate in a FOCUS group.  Each week, more members ask to get involved.  That’s a very good thing.  Each of the four groups is very different and will function differently from each other.  As...

Report from the Spring Sale Committee 2024

Committee Chairmen: Diane Thompson, General Chair; Marcia Grabinski, Asst. General Chair andMerchandise Coordinator; Carla Cooley and Sally Rasmussen, Signage; Tracy and Gary Peterson and SueHiscocks, Cashiers. The Spring Sale will happen on May 4, 2024. The doors...