Connection Sunday

On 9/15, CLUMC presented Back to Church Sunday. This event was well received by our members and guests.  Next Sunday, October 27, will be our first follow-up event called: “CONNECTION SUNDAY”. Please invite inactive members, family and friends to our 9:30...


Thank you again to everyone who has signed up to participate in a FOCUS group.  Each week, more members ask to get involved.  That’s a very good thing.  Each of the four groups is very different and will function differently from each other.  As...

Altar Guild News

The annual flower chart sign-up is located on the board in Chapel Lounge.  If you wish to give flowers, someone from the guild will contact you as your sign-up date approaches.  Thank you for wanting to share the beauty of floral gifts in honor or in memory of a loved...

Sermon Series

Today begins 3-week series with the main topic of Why Christ Came -Your Steps on your way to Heaven.  Today, Pastor Sylvester will talk about Making of Disciples.  Future topics will be:   Confess Jesus as Son of God, and Be Baptized for Forgiveness of Sin. Following...


Attention choir members and all singers! We will resume weekly choir rehearsals Wednesday, Aug. 30, and return to Sunday morning worship September 10. CLUMC has not been without a choir since October 1883, when the old church was finished & dedicated! 140 years...