We need your help to

“Fill the Buckets”!

   Your Ad Council approved working in partnership with Midwest Missions in collecting disaster relief supplies.  With a number of Tornados in late May and the flooding recently in Spencer, their supply is depleting.  Clear Lake UMC is collecting supplies and monetary donations to send to Midwest Missions. 

   The following items have been requested by Midwest Missions.  Please note the sizes and specifics of the items.

  • 32-64 oz. Bottles of  liquid laundry detergent
  • 16-40 oz. Bottles of liquid concentrate household cleaner
  • 16-34 oz. Bottles of liquid dish soap
  • Scrub brushes
  • Heavy-duty trash bags (33-45 gallon sizes)
  • Kitchen gloves
  • Work gloves

  You may bring your items to the Church anytime during the week, on Sunday, or if you prefer to donate funds, please note “Midwest Mission”.

  This week, we received supplies to fill 2 buckets and $270 to send to Midwest Missions.  THANK YOU for your monetary gifts and supplies.