1. two human palms

    General Giving

    Your donation supports the mission and ministries of the Clear Lake United Methodist Church.
    $602.00 donated

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Have completed your planned financial gift to your church for this year?  If not, we ask you to do so.  It would be most helpful if you can contribute additionally above your planned amount of giving.  Your church depends on you for your gifts of talent, time, treasure, service, witness, and prayers. 

In Christ’s Service,

Finance and Stewardship Committee

Clear Lake United Methodist Church

Giving is an act of discipleship.  Giving is an act of worship. Giving is an expression of our faith, and our love for God and our neighbor. Our gifts provide direct support for the ministries of Clear Lake United Methodist Church (CLUMC) and the church around the world.  Our gifts are God’s treasures being shared with others.  CLUMC is very grateful for all of the gifts we receive from our members and guests.  Every gift, be it large or small, is important and valuable.  Every gift received is critical in supporting our ministries and services to our faith community and our neighbors.

We encourage generous, regular giving in support of the mission and ministries at CLUMC.  If you would like to give, you can mail your gift, you can drop it off at the Church office, or you can give electronically.  If you would like to join other CLUMC members in electronic giving, contact Donna  at the Church office: Donna Brady, Office Manager; Clear Lake United Methodist Church; 508 2nd Ave. N.; Clear Lake, IA 50428; 641-357-5247; Fax 641-357-5248; finance@clearlakeumc.org.

GIVING:  You can now make your donations using your debit or credit card through our website by selecting the “Donate” button on left side of the “Giving” page.  If you choose this option, our church incurs a processing fee of $.30 + 2.9% of the donation amount for each transaction.  Please consider adding that additional fee to your donation.  A QR code for giving will also be available to you in our printed publications in the near future; the processing fee is the same if using the QR code.  The QR code simply takes you to our “Giving” page where you can make your donation/pledge.

Remain in prayer.  God is with us……always.

Qualified Charitable Organization

     If you are a senior member of our congregation and you are interested in reducing your federal income tax liability, then you may want to continue reading.

     Changes to the tax regulations now allow that contributions to a Qualified Charitable Organization (QCO) from an IRA or 401K would be exempt from income taxation.  Clear Lake United Methodist Church qualifies as a QCO.  Members of our congregation who are required to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from their IRA/401K would benefit from this change by using part or all their RMD for pledging or other contributions to the church.  Under the Cares Act there is no required RMD in 2020 for those who would otherwise be required to make a RMD. To be eligible, the financial institution holding your IRA/401K must write the check and send it directly to the church.  If interested, contact the financial institution holding your IRA/401K.  You may also want to check with your tax preparer for additional rules that may apply to you.